However, you may not have heard about a bit of unsolicited advise given to Tiger Woods by news journalist and former Fox News anchor, Brit Hume. Hume, in a bold, cut to the chase fashion urged Tiger to accept the "forgiveness and redemption offered by the Christian faith." For this advise, Hume has been vilified and ridiculed.
MSNBC's, David Shuster, called Hume's advise, "embarassing." Hume was lampooned and caricatured by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. Additionally, he has been accused of proselytizing and disrespecting the Buddhist faith - the purported religion of Tiger Woods.
In my own, cut to the chase fashion, here are four things to keep in mind:
- If Tiger is a Buddhist or follows some other religion, he needs the forgiveness of Jesus Christ.
- Yes, salvation comes only through Jesus Christ. To say or imply this will always invite the wrath of those who are enemies of the Cross.
- Brit Hume did what any true Christian (assuming he is one) should do - point a sinner to Jesus Christ and Him alone.
- We must never kowtow to the pressure of putting Christianity on an equal plane with other religions.
The real crisis for Tiger Woods is not salvaging his marriage and career (though his marriage is immensely important.) The real crisis for him is the condition of his soul. A soul without the forgiveness of Jesus Christ will face eternal damnation and separation from God. Tiger Woods, just like all of us, needs a foreign rightousness that is outside of himself - an extraneous rightousness imputed to him by God through Christ.
This is the most important advise you can ever give a sinner. Brit Hume or any other Christian will pay a price for daring to do so. Tiger Woods will pay an infinitely higher price if he rejects it. This is no doubt the most important piece of unsolicited advise he will ever hear.
I pray that Tiger accepts it.